Discussion, WHAT DO???

Oops, I Don’t Like A Famous Book WHUT DO???

So I’m starting a new meme. Again. But this one’s totally awesome! (They’re all totally awesome. I didn’t say that.) It’s going to be dedicated to all those bookish problems and their solutions! It’s also all about discussion posts as well, but I wanted to make a separate column for this. Hope you enjoy the WHAT DO??? meme! And today we’re…

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Discussion, Fiction, Well known books

Middlemarch and Miscalculation Or realizing it's 904 pages long only after you've been "progressing so slowly"

Now when I think about it, including Middlemarch in my selection of 11 books I was going to read during October *might* have been slightly silly. You see, when an ebook is all you’ve got, you tend to slightly disregard the size of it. For those like me who do not know what kind of book Middlemarch is….. Well, it’s… And…

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